Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discipline in the Classroom Essay

â€Å"You’re nothing but a wuss. Your mama ain’t here to help you now so why don’t you stand and fight me like a man†¦. That’s right, saying nothing is going to make the situation better. You gonna go cry to Mrs. Wilson about it now? † This type of harassment in the classroom distracts the students from their main objective-to learn. Disciplinary problems in the classroom interrupt the atmosphere of the classroom, a place where learning takes precedent above all else. A tense environment detracts from learning and everyone loses. Mrs. Wilson got upset, the other school children endured constant harassment, and the children responsible for this harassment got lost in the system. Although experts cite many responses, multicultural education remains an answer that benefits both the teacher and all of the students. Disciplinary problems not only disrupt the serenity of the classroom, but if left untreated, manifest into societal problems. Violence grows as America’s answer to any problem. This trend has been growing steadily in our nation’s classrooms, and recent incidences like that of Columbine High School remind us that angry children become everyone’s problem if no one reaches out to them. cal1966, please do not redistribute this work. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this work elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Detention, suspension, and expulsion remain popular methods for dealing with discipline, but these methods serve only to remove rather than to solve the problem. Multicultural education stimulates the children to incorporate their own life experiences into what they learn and makes them active participants in their own learning process. Multicultural education serves to help bridge gaps between different classes, races, and genders. Not a seemingly easy task, drastic measures are imperative when the future of our country rests on the futures of our children. Take an eighth grade classroom located in a rural district with only three middle schools servicing the entire county. Mark and Jake, two white boys, constantly disrupted Mrs. Wilson’s Social Studies class. The situation distracted the teacher from her lesson plan, meaning that the other children’s learning fell behind their peers. Also, Mark and Jake jeopardized their own academic careers and threaten to become societal menaces. If left untreated their problems might develop into larger societal ills that hurt members of the population at large through their abuse of welfare or filling up the jails. Previously detention failed to help Mark and Jake correct their behavior, but Mrs. Wilson felt that the rest of the class should not suffer because of two members of the class. Disciplinary problems usually stem from some deeper anxiety that the children are facing. Mark’s parents work in an assembly line of a car manufacturer and net $40,000/year combined. They work long hours and spend little time with Mark after school. He takes the school bus to and from school, and he lives in a poor area of town where the houses are run down. Neither of his parents finished formal high school, although they both received GED’s. He has several younger siblings that look up to him as an example, but education is not stressed in his family. This hypothesis from studentcentral. o. uk Part of his disciplinary problem could be that he resents the fact that the state requires him to go to school. Mark sees that his parents struggle to get by, but no connection between improving his situation and education in his mind exists. People who succeed in class and come from upper-middle class backgrounds receive the brunt of his harassment. He feels resentment towards these students because he feels that he tries hard but society and good fortune still shun him. Jake’s parents come from working class backgrounds, and he lives in an area that is close to Mark’s house. His parents experienced marital problems lately. They fight constantly, and his one younger sister also experienced problems in school. His father graduated from technical school and works as a mechanic in a local garage, and his mother works at Kroger. His disciplinary problems relate to the fact that his parents fight a lot and offer to get into screaming matches. With so much tension in his home he feels the need to lash out at someone, and conveniently finds other students to harass-students who he already resents because of their higher social status. His disciplinary problems started about the time that his parents started having problems. However, his parents failed to communicate their problems on to Mrs. Wilson, so she understands little about the reason for Jake’s disciplinary problems. cofb fbr sefbfbw orfb fbk infb fofb fb. Mrs. Wilson, a 35-year old white teacher, became exasperated because Mark and Jake refused to respond to what she viewed as adequate attempts to reach them. They reserve their harassment for children who identify with the pper-middle class or excel in schoolwork. Because she experienced no contact with either set of parents, she remained unaware of the home problems that contribute to Mark and Jake’s frustration with the school system. Her training also left her unprepared to deal with types of children who shrink away from contact with other people. The boys consistently under-perform in all their subjects. Although they received extra help in the past, they refused to take an active inter est in learning, and instead tried to disrupt class time. Mrs. Wilson gave them extra help by working with them during class, and also assigned group partners to them, but the hostility the boys exhibited towards their partners made the working environment tense. They also disrespected Mrs. Wilson, and she felt like she lost all control because they refused to listen to anything she said. They removed themselves from the social scene of the school and appeared to not trust anyone but themselves. The harassment of other students needs to stop because everyone suffers in this situation. All the students fail to get to as much information as other classes with no disciplinary problems. These students will then experience a disadvantage next year when they compete against students from other classes. Also, Mark and Jake acted out and created this disturbance in class for some reason. If Mrs. Wilson fails reach them then their class disturbances might turn into societal disturbances. The importance of the situation remains for all involved to receive some help. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Mark and Jake’s harassment needs to stop for the benefit of all involved. Multicultural education ensures that every child receives a proper education and an equal chance of success later in life. Like a runaway effect, the problems snowball setting students back and preventing them from attaining success in schools and jobs. In a multicultural setting ideally all the students express their individual voices in the class and its pedagogy. Multicultural education address typical disciplinary problems because the themes that of the process builds around active thinking by the students themselves about the world around them. Multicultural education helps remedy this situation, because everyone’s culture needs to gain acknowledgement by the teacher. However, since limited diversity exists in the classroom, Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other cultures as well to make all her students more accepting and understanding of everyone’s lifestyle. Although the classrooms contain relatively new textbooks, they should be discussed critically in class so that the students feel like active participants in their own education. Mark and Jake may be acting out because they feel a lack of control over their own education and their situation in life. Mrs. Wilson realized she had failed to stimulate stimulating them enough, and so they act out to try to grab attention. Rather punish these students, Mrs. Wilson tries to understand their motives and then to try to help them in whatever way the teacher deems possible. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Nieto writes, â€Å"all teachers can become role models for all students as long as they are understanding, caring, and informed. One way in which teachers can build substantial relationships with students is by offering help to those who do not seek their aid† (331). Mark and Jake try to get attention by lashing out. Mrs. Wilson must dig deeper than usual to get at the root of the problem if she wants to help them. Mrs. Wilson reaches her students through multicultural education. Her determination to reach students who have been labeled as â€Å"problem children† determines the rest of their scholastic careers. For her first step, Mrs. Wilson reevaluates whether her accusations about the children’s behavior warrants concern. Her actions could stem from her preconceived notions of lower, working class families since the children causing the disturbance are poorly dressed and do not have the best hygiene. If Mrs. Wilson holds any bias then she needs to address her own personal bias so that the children do not suffer from her one-sidedness. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce! Once Mrs. Wilson ascertains that these children pose a serious disturbance in her classroom, then her objective reworks itself into new inventive ways. The benefits of conventional negative reinforcement seem to not pose any threat to Mark and Jake, so perhaps she can try positive reinforcement. Also, if she practices what Nieto outlined as a multicultural classroom (p. 05) then she creates an environment where the children feel comfortable approaching her. Perhaps by gaining their confidence she then determines the root of their discipline problems. Before implementing multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson first identifies the reason for Mark and Jake’s outbreaks in class. Until now she treated them as regular problem children, but since none of the conventional disciplinary methods worked, she needs to sort out the root of the problem. Their problems at home cause their harassment of their peers. However, since the parents fail to return phone calls, Mrs. Wilson writes them and requests that they come in for a parent/teacher conference. If this measure fails to get the parents to school, then she plans to go visit them in their home. Because the parents are usually busy, there do not often communicate with the school. If the school approaches the parents in a non-threating manner, then perhaps the parents shed some light on their sons’ behavior problems. With more parental involvement, the boys feel more pressured to shape up. The home environment remains difficult to overcome, especially without the parents’ help. However, Mrs. Wilson needs to make the effort to at least try to contact them so that she has more input to correctly identify the reason Mark and Jake are acting out. Nieto writes â€Å"teachers can encourage parents to give their children jobs at home, and then support them when they do† (328). Maybe if Mark and Jake feel more important at home then they lose the urge to act out at school. Another method Mrs. Wilson employs to draw in outside resources for her classroom involves meeting with Mark and Jake’s other teachers. Outside input also influences learning because if she experienced disciplinary problems in her class the boys probably act out in all of their classes. By calling a meeting with everyone involved, the teachers might be able to trace commonalties between all of the disciplinary outbreaks. If they see what sets the boys off then they prevent cause of the harassment, or at least create an opportunity to talk to the boys about their behavior. If the teachers pinpoint the cause of the boy’s disciplinary problems within the classroom, then they know how to solve the problem more effectively. A reason for their frustration within the classroom stems from the fact that Mark and Jake feel left out of the education process. If Mrs. Wilson’s teaching style revolves around lectures they become bored and act out because of their boredom. The difficulty lies in making students pay attention in the classroom if their families devalue education at home. The teaching style induces no stimulation for them to want to learn. By using multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson aims to instill a love of learning in the students. Perhaps if Mrs. Wilson incorporates other methods of learning like hands on learning, group projects, or presentations by students for the rest of the class then she receives more positive behavior from all her students. If she can relate the student’s life and how education increases knowledge, then she makes not only Mark and Jake realize the importance of education in their lives but the importance of education to all of her students’ lives. Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other multicultural ideas in her lesson plan in order to accommodate the behavior of Mark and Jake. When they cover the holocaust she shows them Schindler’s List to illustrate its impact on the Jewish people. Movies help show history in vivid detail, and the brutality of the film helps bring this terrible period in history to light. This helps her students realize that other people endure suffering, and by showing them a real example of suffering they might feel more compassion for others. She also shows that other groups have suffered more than her students. The suffering that their class endures pales in comparison to the plights of other ethnicities. When Mark and Jake see the brutality of war and the horrible consequences of fighting, they realize other methods for solving their internal conflicts exist. Mrs. Wilson also engages the students in a unique manner that tries to draw their attention onto examples that shape our modern day world. Examples that relate to the student’s lives impact students more forcefully instead of assigning them reading and expecting them to pick up all the material. By relating the assignments in class to their every day lives she shows them examples of how education better their own situation. The learning becomes much more personal and effects them more. Mrs. Wilson also changes the structure of her class. If she includes more history about the working class and their importance in situations like the Industrial Revolution, then she makes all the students from working class backgrounds feel more important and a sense of pride in their heritage. Nieto writes that teachers can â€Å"use the experiences and understandings her students bring to class rather than an exotic or irrelevant curriculum† (338). She needs to uphold and validate their culture because Mark and Jake feel like their culture contains no importance and that could be a reason for their lashing out. The punishments that the boys get assigned could take a more inventive twist in order to quelch their behavior. If assigned community service Mark and Jake see that many others in their community undergo more hardship then their families. Nieto also writes â€Å"opportunities for after-school work or community service can be provided in much more substantial ways than they currently are† (328). The boys gain a perspective on their own problems by comparing them to others less fortunate. Such epiphanies might improve their behavior in the classroom. Multicultural education starts in the classroom but affects a wide array of social problems. Discipline, if left untreated, expands into larger social ills, where the perpetrators leech off of everyone. The plague on society takes the form of welfare and jails where taxpayers bear the responsibility for those who refuse to help themselves. This societal failure can be avoided by trying to reach these children earlier in their academic careers so that they experience success later in life. Multicultural education remains the best way to retain those borderline students who otherwise get lost in the system. Mrs. Wilson employs many methods to try to reach Mark and Jake before they lose complete interest in school. First she tries to determine the root of the problem so that she knows the exact problem she is dealing with. Talking to the parents and other teachers gives a more comprehensive view to the situation. Once the boys’ frustration surfaces, Mrs. Wilson incorporates different teaching aspects into her lesson plan. Engaging the students makes them more interested in their education and lessens their tendency to act out. Relating the real world to their own lives makes them more involved members of society. Mark and Jake symbolize children whose problems generally run deeper than most teachers suspect. Multicultural education helps make these boys and all of the students in the classroom more productive members of society. If the boys stay off welfare then our tax dollars go towards improving other facets of life. The boys also become taxpayers who contribute to the solution rather than the problem. Without some intervention, children like Mark and Jake plague American society and benefit no one, including themselves. Hatred makes a disastrous problem that needs to be solved immediately, and multicultural education is one answer to that problem.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Animal Slaughter

Animal slaughter is a necessary evil, but unfortunately with the way It Is carried out It Is repulsive. For as long as recorded history mankind has hunted animals for survival and that practice continues today. The main use for an animal is for food: this is the oldest and the most universal form of an animal. With advancements of the world's civilization, animals were traded at markets and the owner would receive a payment for the animal's value. This process continues today. Animals are sold for larger sums to corporations that will then send the animal to a slaughterhouse and sell the meat o a deliberate.Here customers purchase the meat at inflated prices. Around the globe meat from livestock animals Is a popular Item to add to one's plate for any meal. One could have beef, lamb, pork, or even horse, but how does this animal get from a place it once thought was it's home to the customers table. The amount of stress the animal goes through before the slaughter process is astonishin g. Horses that are slaughtered regularly come from the racetrack where they were administered drugs before running a race. These drugs are harmful to humans If consumed.The health of an animal while It Is living In Its pen, cramped with many of its own breed is heartbreaking to see. The World Organization for Animal Health has helped established new regulations for slaughter, transportation and killing animals for disease control. The World Organization for Animal Health, also known as OWE, has developed basic standards that developed and developing countries now agree on. In addition to Oleo's standards, each country has specific laws and standards of their own. OWE designed the five basic standards. One, the percentage of animals stunned on the iris attempt. Two, percentage rendered insensible prior to hoisting. Three, percentage that vocalizes (moo, bellow, or squeal) during movement up the race and in the stunning box. Four, percentage that fall down, and five, percentage moved with an electric goad† (Grand 56). An animal welfare addling system that Is deemed â€Å"good† should have standards that prohibit bad practices, Like, dragging, dropping, throwing, punctilio, (which is a small knife or dagger used to cut the spinal cord. And hoisting live animals. Some examples of welfare misfortunes can be measured with the outcomes is the percentage of animals that are underfed, lame, have lesions, bruising, missed their stuns before being slaughtered or fell down during handling. The examples given are outcomes of bad practices or unacceptable conditions (Grand 57). The standards are based on conditions that are the results of poor management, neglect, abuse of the animals, or poorly designed equipment. N. G.Gregory did a review on pigs, lambs and cattle while in transport, at a livestock market and in the slaughterhouse (before being slaughtered). Many physical injuries can take place along with high stress levels. Gregory gives the world in his st udy an extensive amount of examples of the animal's welfare at the markets, during transport and at the time of slaughter. If animals have a high stress level, for pigs there is evidence that any type of strenuous exercise of CA stunning can contribute to old or stale tastes in pigs, poultry and fish.One study was done in Australia and the second in New Zealand. Over time we have learned from other studies and experience certain breeds are more difficult to handle, for example, the Limousine, Red Borrow cattle and Text sheep (Gregory 3). It is now recommended that if working tit these breeds one is experienced and accustom to the handling procedures. This will make it easier for the animal and create less stress for the animal before the slaughter period. Unfortunately for any animal, as soon as it is loaded for transport it becomes stressed.Sometimes it can even start earlier then this, during the study in Australia five out of thirteen lambs had pre-transport stress or were underf ed (Gregory 2-11). A study was done on lambs in Spain during the transportation period by G. C. Miranda- De la Lama. This study that Miranda-De la Lama performed is also helpful to animals in the United States. Miranda-De la Lama helps explain the stress created on lambs and how it can bargain with the animal's welfare during transportation. When transporting animals it is usually a stressful process, especially for the animal.A study was done in Spain with lambs during transportation. This study mainly consisted of the handling of the animal before and after transporting. Specific categories were focused on and surveyed, farmers, haulers, abattoirs (a slaughterhouse), and classification center (a temporary feedlot). A Journey of seventy- nine kilometers and average Journey time of seventy-four minutes was conducted. A questionnaire was created for all categories specified above. When preparing for transport lambs were normally separated from their first enclosure the day before bei ng transported.They were also kept off their feed for five or more hours before departing for slaughter. Many of the animals were maneuvered onto the transportation truck using plastic bags. Very few of the farms that the studies were done on did not usually have climate or environmental control or veterinarians present while the sheep were being loaded. Thankfully while lambs were being unloaded there is no reported application of sticks or electric rods. When lambs had arrived to the second farm for weight gain, they arrived weighing in at an average of 19. 6 keg, and departing at 25. 6 keg, with a stay period averaged at twenty-one days.That is rather revolting that someone can beef up an animal in a short time span. The lambs would be transported again to the slaughterhouse once the slaughter weight was met (Miranda-De la Lama 175). Many important points on the farm where the lamb is coming from incorporate poor loading facilities including not having a veterinary on site while the lambs are being loaded. Transportation can have a combination of many different stresses that can eve harmful effects on the lambs. Miranda-De la Lama states that there should be some sort of installed payment plan that will be put into action.This would help agree to terms on transportation quality of the lambs directly for the welfare of the lamb (Miranda-De la Lama 178). All attempts should be made to help decrease the level of stress on any animal heading to the slaughterhouse. Careful planning should abattoirs need to have better communication to help create a smoother traveling system. Miranda-De la Lama states in her study that a decision support system to assure animal welfare across the board for any animal should be implemented to help reduce and prevent the different welfare risks (Miranda-De la Lama 178).All possibly ways to help reduce the amount of stress of an animal should be observed and rules set into place. Thankfully, some researchers have already put this to the test. Veronique Deeds performed a study on lambs to try to pinpoint where these animals become stressed. Today, public and consumers are concerned about the welfare of animals, mainly for the discomfort of the animals that are going to be slaughtered. To elf reduce the stress of the animals during the slaughter period it is imperative to comprehend the causes of stress for the animal. The slaughter process can represent different types of stress for every animal.When Deeds conducted this study, it was done on lambs on to determine profiles measured during rearing, plasma cortical levels in blood collected at assassinations (draining blood of the animal), and metabolic activity in the dead bodies muscle. Tests showed many differences in lamb's muscles with lower pH levels produced in their meat. Even lambs that produced a high- pitched bleating had a higher muscle temperature. The more alert lambs had a higher pH after death compared to others. Any animal that has a higher pH le vel in the muscles before dying will not taste as good.These different tests of post mortem muscle metabolism and expressions of social distress predict stress during the slaughter period. Also social disturbances and the environment of the slaughterhouse contain major causes of stress (Deeds 193-202). Deeds concluded in her study that lambs showed coherence in emotional reactivity to different stressful conditions. In her current study, lambs slaughtered in a commercial abattoir, the lactating cortical levels at assassinations and post-mortem measurements of stress reactions had been related to the day of slaughter.Now, seeing how the lambs reacted on the day of slaughter, another study has been done on cows to see if it is possible to identify how the cows react to the slaughter procedure. A study on thirty-two Norman cows was done to see if it is possible to identify if cows reacted to the slaughter procedure. Along with which factors contributed to stress during the pre-slaughte r period. Many different tests proceeded with the cows to test behavioral and physiological activity. These tests consisted of but were not limited too, social separations, and human exposure.Tests showed that when cows saw other cows compared to having a human presence there was a stronger reaction. The cow's heart rate elevated and spent more time in the exit zone. A stress-inducing atmosphere can have very negative repercussions for animal welfare and meat quality. The slaughter duration begins at the animal's farm with the preparation of transport, and then ends at the moment of slaughtering the animals. Many of the cows might not become stressed to the same things as their fellow cows. All cows differ in their evaluation of stressful to the reactivity tests. Two slaughter situations were used. Limited Stress† situation and an â€Å"Added Stress† situation were used on the cows (Burette 11). Each day two cows were put to slaughter from the same pen, one for each str ess environment. A cow brought down the added stress situation had to maneuver through different hallways inside and outside, consistently hear banging from metals objects and was immediately slaughtered. A cow that was led through the limited stress situation was handled with a human and another cow was also being led. This cow heard no banging of any kind, did not need to maneuver through different hallways, and was able to be calmer with another cow by its side.The cow with a limited stress evaluation was slaughter with a lower heart rate and a lower pH level in the muscles (Burette 11-12). Since Burette concluded his study many advancements have been made, but challenges do still exist. Temple Grand helps the U. S. Get an idea of the progress and challenges in handling the animals during the slaughter process. In many slaughterhouses around the world serious animal abuse exists. Other than we re actually killing them for us to eat. Many restaurants have started auditing the U. S . Beef and pork slaughter plants.Surprisingly McDonald's has played a huge part in this. McDonald's made large improvements in the way people handle and stun the animal. McDonald's used five different measurements to start helping the way they handled and stunned the animal. â€Å"One, the percentage of animals stunned on the first attempt. Two, percentage rendered insensible prior to hoisting. Three, percentage that vocalizes (moo, bellow, or squeal) during movement up the race and in the stunning box. Four, percentage that fall down, and five, percentage moved with an electric goad† (Grand 129).Since 1996, before McDonald's began their audits, each average percentage grew. The most impressive developments were in beef. In 1996 the average first attempt to stun a cow was rated at eighty-nine point five percent. By 2003 it was ninety-eight point six percent. Even visualization has improved during stunning from 1996 was ten percent, in 2003 it was two percent (Grand 129). In 1 996 and on a total of fifty plants were audited. Many of the plants were able to significantly improve welfare of the animal y improving stunner maintenance, installing non-slip floors and better training of the staff (Grand 131).Since we have created better standards for the animal's well being in a slaughterhouse, we now have another challenge to face, drugs used on different animals. Nicholas Adman has helped the world understand more on the slaughter of race horses that were given medication known as Phenylalanine. Horse slaughter has had many attempts from animal rights activists to see the end of it. Last year alone there was about sixty seven million pounds sent across seas from the United States. Many drugs are used for horses while they are at work. The most common is known in the horse world as ‘butt', Phenolphthalein by the vet.This is the most common used drug in the horse world. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The most common slaughter horse in the U . S. Is the Thoroughbred, most commonly known as racehorses. ‘Butt' is banned for any type of human consumption. It can cause serious and lethal unique harmful effects in humans. Tests have been done during race day to horses that were given ‘butt' and then sent U. S. Horses. In this case, it can create a serious health risk for the people who ingest reseat (Adman 1270-1284). Horses should not have to be slaughtered for any reason other then it is seriously injured.Sadly they are slaughtered for many other reasons. The American Association of Equine Practitioners helps the United States get a glimpse of what its all about. The Unwanted Horse in the U. S. Is an ongoing issue for many people. Tom Lend helps give the U. S. A glance of the issue. To many people horses are seen for their beauty, poise, and the Old West and are a cultural icon. This has made it very difficult for the unwanted horse issue and the decision of ending the life of a horse. Including in this debate the horse business will usually categorize a horse as livestock, where the public tends to categorize the horse as a companion.The ‘unwanted horse' came about in 2005, from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (APE) at a meeting in Washington D. C. These unwanted horses are defined as, â€Å"those no longer wanted by their current owner because they are old, injured, sick, unmanageable, or fail to meet their owners expectations† (Lend 253). This has become a very large issue in the U. S. Many horse rescue, adoption and retirement organizations have made a dedicated and vigorous effort to provide care, funding or suitable accommodations for unwanted horses over the years.

Sure Thing

â€Å"Sure Thing† response essay In David Ives' play â€Å"Sure Thing,† the key and only characters are Bill and Betty. The two characters meet, by happenstance in a restaurant and the play unfolds from there with the punch line always being, â€Å"Sure thing†. The comedy is centered on a bell that one of the two characters ring when the exchange takes an unwanted twist; the bell signifies that the question asked or conversation being held begins anew with a different outcome.With the bell ringing, it is almost as if the characters get to do an instant replay, while editing, to bring about a different outcome, a cinematic mulligan, so to speak. The outcome, is that of the two saying and doing, all the right things at the right time and an implied happily ever after ending, How much easier life would be if you could just call â€Å"cut† or a little bell would ding every time you said or did something incorrectly. â€Å"Sure thing† is very similar to a commercial that is airing currently for the Nissan Altima.In the commercial every time the character does something incorrectly, a horn beeps to let him know that a mistake has been or is being made. I think all of us could use something like that at times. Unfortunately, we do not get that liberty, and are forced to live with our choices and decisions whether good, bad, or indifferent. I have personally made bad decisions, for instance, I once used the wrong weed killer on my grass and killed my entire lawn, how helpful a horn or bell would have been then.The line that stood out to me the most in the play was â€Å"Is this chair taken? † It is kind of an odd and rhetorical way to open a conversation, don’t you think? Clearly, Bill can see that no one is sitting in the chair yet he still asks the question. Sometimes people use a roundabout way to get where they are trying to go. For instance, Bill could have just as easily asked, if Betty minded if he sat there, and left it up to Betty to elaborate on the outcome. She then could have said yes, no, I am sorry someone is already sitting there, or whatever response she chose.To me it seems like a waste of time to ask a question if you already know the answer, or if you know that you will have to ask another question because of how you worded your first statement or question. Some people will argue that these rhetorical questions or statements are conversation starter. I would have to disagree with them. I am a firm believer in; just say what you are really trying to say. As you can see from the play when you try an around about method, it leaves too much room for interpretation and error. Had Bill just asked Betty â€Å"Would you mind if I sit here? † the possibility of a â€Å"Sure Thing† would have been much greater.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motifs and Metaphors Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motifs and Metaphors - Movie Review Example Percy Adlon presents his made up truck stop as a metaphor for the neglected hopes of those cast aside people by America, that whether by discrimination and financial and economic harsh times (pertaining to C.C.H. Pounder’s scathing Brenda) or by the times going on (Jack Palance as Rudi Coxx, the artist relic). One of the metaphors, the Boomerang also boosted the motif of the movie and it revolved around all characters of the movie; it suggests that what a person puts forth returns back to them that is, what you give, you get back such as the love which Jasmin transferred to and got back from Brenda, her family and everyone. The joy of giving and receiving is also depicted with the use of Boomerang (Maslin 1988). Another metaphor used in the movie was the thermos; it was the first sign of magic that is, in the film, perpetually full of coffee. This was a coffee maker or a thermos that Brenda’s husband left by the side of the road that further made its way into the motel, Bagdad Cafe. This was the reason which brought Jasmin into the motel and which provided everyone with a much induced idea to pick her up in. The use of magic tricks came into Jasmin’s mind when she found a magic set in Brenda’s messy office things and played with them which changed the life of Jasmin. These helped her to entertain the customers at the cafe and induce more sales and profits which lead eventually to a strong friendship between Jasmin and Brenda (Maslin 1988). The incremental progress of these motifs came with the thermos in the commencement of the film followed by the boomerang when Jasmin started spreading love and friendship with Brenda and everyone in the motel, the painting of Jasmin which Rudi Coxx wanted to paint all the time and finally the use of magic tricks which helped her win over the hearts of customers signing into the motel along with her modeling as well. To keep the movie in one flow and make it more realistic, interesting and a sort of comedy as well for the viewers, along with the motif, there was a transition shown over the major characters of the film to come up on the ending of the film. The transition of the major characters in the film is very encouraging and eye-catching. The first example of the connection of the motif with transition throughout the film was the change in the main protagonist in the film, Jasmin which depicted the biggest transition as she was keen in weathering her sorrows and difficulties which she faced after her husband left her and found happiness in little things around her. She was able to be happy herself and make others in the motel with her kind and industrious personality. The second main character, Brenda, was at the beginning of the film, a strict and hostile manager of the motel in which Jasmin entered as a foreigner and Brenda’s harsh attitude was in extreme with Jasmin due to her inability to speak proper English and the threat that she may exploit the culture of th e motel with that of Germany. But Brenda transformed eventually and she and Jasmin were bonded in a strong friendship. This applies to Brenda’s family as well including her children who started loving Jasmin. This also induced more customers line up into the motel and happiness spread into the then called ‘wasteland’. With the final transition of the Hollywood-set painter Rudi, Brenda’s father, daughter and all nearby friends in the film; this shows that the element of transition in the main characters of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Relative value securities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relative value securities - Essay Example Total operating expenses remain the same, yet total revenues have decreased by a small margin. Another factor to mention is the operating income, which has experienced the same kind of trends. An additional worrying sign is that the fund underperformed the S&P 500 by 2% during the first quarter of 1991. This is in stark contrast to the exemplary performance over the preceding five years. Jupiter Venture was only one of two mutual funds that had outperformed the S&P 500 year on year since 1985. The opportunity to take the Sensormatic offer is an attractive one, but there is no guarantee that Sensormatic would continue to grow at its current pace. Sensormatic is looking to move away from the soft-goods market and turn to hard-goods protection. However, the gross margin of hard-goods EAS systems is only around 30%, which is half of the figure for soft goods. The hard goods market is extremely competitive, and there is no guarantee that Sensormatic would come out on top. Win Smith should close Jupiter Venture and get out while he still can. Although the short-term prospects do not look good for Jupiter Venture, there is no reason to suggest that the company’s long-term viability is under threat. While the income statement and comparative financial data show that the company is stagnating, so are many of its nearest competitors. The boom of the mid to late 1980s is over, and Jupiter Venture needs to reinvent itself to prepare to expand going into the 1990s and beyond. The company’s balance sheet shows an encouraging sign—total liabilities only make up about 15% of the company’s total assets (total liabilities of $12.2 million compared to total assets of $83 million). Jupiter Venture’s total long-term debt is only around half of this figure. This figures show that while the company may take a hit in the short-term, the foundations of the company are strong because it does not rely on debt to finance its operations. Looking at the comparative

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Capital - Research Paper Example A review of the additional literature, in addition to the source article, will provide collaborative details to provide support for the conclusion established. The case study by Chenhall, Hall, & Smith examined how elements of a management control system can either enhance or inhibit the bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital with potential consequences on both economic and cultural capital (2010, p.2). The study attempts to highlight and provide data to support the notion that management control systems can be contradictory as they relate to social capital. The concept of social capital is used to outline a distinctive approach to understanding the relationship between management control systems and the development of social connections in and between organizations (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). The study additionally illustrates how formal belief systems and operational controls sustain strong interior relationships and also help to establish the case organization†™s standing with peripheral organizations vital to external bridging (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). However, there are also several limitations to the relevancies demonstrated by the study. The study was based on a limited number of interviews rather than in-depth observational data (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). Additionally, the study indicates that efforts to use â€Å"financial controls interactively† to deal with issues of cost awareness were not successful due to the fact that they were interpreted as â€Å"incompatible† with natural advancements and threatened to bond (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010, p.2). Literature Review Social capital can be measured in a variety of ways, although obtaining a "true", definitive measurement is not possible (What is, 2011). The most popular definitions of social capital are multidimensional and incorporate numerous aspects of analysis into a comprehensive framework (What is, 2011). Attempts to measure the properties of â €Å"inherently ambiguous concepts† such as "community", "network" and "organization" has caused problems in establishing the concept of social capital (What is, 2011). Although a few long-standing surveys have been designed to gauge "social capital", they have left researchers to assemble indexes from a range of items, like â€Å"measures of trust in government, voting trends, memberships in civic organizations, and hours spent volunteering† (What is, 2011). Researchers are attempting to compile new surveys that will give the concept of social capital a more definitive meaning. There are several examples of social capital, like civic organizations, community organizations, and scholastic communities that can significantly contribute to the overall organizational platform.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Explain what is meant by Financial Markets Discuss the different Essay

Explain what is meant by Financial Markets Discuss the different categories of financial markets and their rationale. Discuss the effect of the recent financial crisis on financial products and markets - Essay Example They enhance the determination of prices for the financial assets that are newly issued, and the existing stocks of the financial assets. The markets enhance the coordination and the aggregation of information on the financial assets and the money flow from the lenders to the borrowers. They allow for the transfer of risk from the investors to those who provide the funds. They enhance the liquidity by providing the financial asset holders with the chance of reselling or liquidating the assets. The financial markets are critical in enhancing the efficiency through reduction of the information and transaction costs (Richard 2005, p.43-48). The characterization of the financial markets entails consideration of the financial institution types participating in the markets and the different structures of the markets. Three sample types of financial institutions include; first, the depository institutions like banks and credit unions, which advance deposits and loans and accept deposits. The second is the contractual institutions are like the insurance companies and the pension funds while the third type is the investment institutes like the brokerage firms and investment banks (Richard 2005, p.43-48). There are different categories of the financial markets each dealing with a different instrument based on maturity and the assets backing it up. The different categories of financial markets have different customers and operations (Richard 2005, p.43-48). Below are the different categories of the financial markets. Capital markets trade in stocks, bonds and securities. Companies in capital markets raise funds for expanding businesses or establishing new ones through issuing of the securities. Capital markets mobilize the domestic saving and the reallocation of the financial resources. They provide the avenue for divestiture of the state owned enterprises, and shares are sold

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Causes and Effects on Global Economy Research Paper

Causes and Effects on Global Economy - Research Paper Example The spate of events undermined the confidence of the investors impacting the global financial markets. With the tightening of the credit norms, there was a slowdown in the economies worldwide. It is argued that the government and Federal banks could have avoided this situation had they acted on time. Critics put the blame on the regulatory practices of the government and credit rating agencies. The latter failed to assess the risk associated with the mortgage-based financial products. As a result of the high ratings given to these securities, they were passed on to the investors easily. A hike in the interest rate led to widespread delinquency on the home loans and early foreclosures. This increased the supply of houses thereby putting a downward pressure on their prices. The rise in the rates of delinquencies due to the steep housing installments eroded the value of the mortgage-based securities. Surplus liquidity and low rates of interest created conditions of easy credit and contributed to a housing boom. There was a considerable increase in the homeownership rates in the country most of which was comprised of the subprime mortgage. During this time credit was extended to the borrowers with a bad credit history. The installments on these loans were low initially but with the rest of the interest rates, the monthly installments of the borrowers also increased substantially. Meanwhile, the steep rise in the house price and credit created a building boom. The rise in the rate of foreclosure together with the surplus unsold houses caused a steep fall in the housing prices in the US. Another reason that contributed to the rise in the home loan delinquency was the quality of credit. Enticed by earning higher transaction fees the lenders failed to check the creditworthiness of the borrower and in the process extended credit to the high-risk segment.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lessons learned from the collapse of bear stearns Essay

Lessons learned from the collapse of bear stearns - Essay Example All the major cause will be expansively presented in this paper. The valuable lessons learnt from the crisis will also be thrown light upon in this paper. Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehmann Brothers, Northern Rock, Goldman Sachs are some elite names that suffered the most because of the economic crisis also known as recession. Lehmann brothers filed for bankruptcy while AIG and a few other elites just hung in there with the skin of their teeth. This economic crisis is still having repercussions on countries like Greece and Spain; the whole of Euro Zone is facing a financial turmoil. There are a few other countries that have been not so severely affected by the same. The crisis triggered off because of unchecked debt, banks kept issuing loans to people who invested heavily in buying assets, several things were taken for granted but when proved otherwise there was hardly a place in the world to hide. Overvaluation in real estate is perhaps the biggest cause of the current economic crisis, it i s better known as the subprime crisis in the US. The likes of Lehmann Brothers and other financial services went bust because they kept issuing credit to the people who thought the property price would increase and they would be easily able to pay off the debt that they are borrowing. It did not turn out that way and there was a short of equity, this is exactly why the financial institutions went bankrupt. The overvaluation is the biggest factor that caused the current economic crisis. Factors like bad income tax practices have added insult to injury, bad mortgage lending also contributed heavily to this current economic crisis. â€Å"The way to address the root cause is to let house prices drop to where an average house is within the means of an average household.   (Or, alternatively, boost the income of the average household to the point that they can afford an average house.   But that's very hard.   Letting houses prices go on falling, although painful for everyone who o wns a house or who has lent money to someone who owns a house, is very easy.)† (Root Cause of the Financial Crisis) Role of Monetary Policy Some of the main plausible reasons that caused the recent financial crisis have been identified in the above sections. According to Brunnermeie (2009), cheap mortgage financing to sub-standard borrowers fuelled the boom in the U.S. housing market. Three factors were primarily responsible for the fall of the housing market in the U.S. (which in essence, constituted a very small segment of the financial market in the country) transforming into a global contagion. First, the â€Å"originate and distribute† banking model, together with the high rate of securitization, led to declining lending standards and made it impossible to re-price the complex structured products. This significantly eroded the confidence level of banks, thereby disrupting the inter-bank markets and credit flow. Second, banks relied heavily on short-term funding sou rces, hence raising the risk of funding. Finally, the ever-growing integration of global financial systems and the increasing interest towards structured financial instruments quickly transmitted the crisis to all the major regions of the world. Gourinchas (2010) focused on the role of monetary policy in the recent financial contagion as well as the role played by exogenous influences, particularly the rising external deficits referred to as ‘Global Imbalances’. According to Gourinchas, both explanations are not satisfactory as the sole

Well-planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is a key way in which Essay

Well-planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is a key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge (QCA, 2000). Critically evaluate the wor - Essay Example Such play is pleasurable and fun, active and mind absorbing. Considering today’s fast moving world and the technologies, while infants and children can be engaged by videos and technology based toys, they do not provide the same multi-faceted stimulation and developmentally essential experiences those more traditional games, toys, music, and imagination provides. It is true that play has an essential role in building social skills and communication, creativity and problem solving. The best developmental tool that we can give them is by allowing children to participate in self-directed, unstructured free play. Researches insists that while children are playing, we need to create a tolerance for error, allow them fail too, reducing the expectation that they must be perfect. This gives the child a scope of decision making, memory development and the thinking skills necessary for childhood success in the classroom and adult success in the workplace. Play is something that doesn’t intend to target race, religion, or socio-economic status. Data from eminent child specialists gives clear picture that play deprivation leads to increased aggression and violence, anti-social behavior, repressing of emotions, learning disorders, and obesity. Play is crucial to both the cognitive and physical development of children, and its deprivation can have negative and long lasting effects. There could not be any second thoughts that children involved in the outdoor games in the playground enjoys the freedom to be physically active but above all this playing experience works as an outdoor learning laboratory with numerous exciting and challenging activities. When outdoors, children can observe nature, hang bird feeders, plant radishes, search for cicada shells, or watch the communal, determined behavior of ants transporting food. They can

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why a Black Would Chose Conservatism over Liberalism Essay

Why a Black Would Chose Conservatism over Liberalism - Essay Example As the report declares liberals and conservatives share the same political principles, differing only in degree. While both believe in public and private sector, liberals call for a larger government than do the conservatives. Conservatives rely on religion and tradition while liberalism believes in science and collectivism. A study conducted by the Bay Area Center For Voting Research shows that the liberals remaining in the nation are the African Americans although the black Church is supposed to be ‘conservative’. This research stresses that conservatism is a state of mind and a type of character; it is a way of looking at the social order. It has a set of traditional principles and philosophy. Conservatism calls for personal responsibility as one part of the social contract and understands the importance of collective responsibility. Relationship has to be built with everyone and not by creating a mental discrimination that they are oppressed by the whites. The blacks need to remove this mental block from their minds. The blacks are interested in conserving their past. They were denied emancipation and integration; they were taxed without representation and denied access to education too. Through various governments, from Ronald Reagan to George Bush, they always remained INFERIOR; they were blamed for crimes and drugs, and suffered inhuman treatment. Conservatism in the black community is widely associated with white racism.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dysfunction and Parannoia Essay Example for Free

Dysfunction and Parannoia Essay This just clarifies the fact that Henry is manipulative: the traitors are completely unaware anything is wrong, and the audience is given constant reminders to how Henry is about to act. He appears to act on the interest of the nation seeking no revenge and kill the traitors for our kingdoms safety. However it could be doubted that his leadership overrules his personal wants partly because he had already known of the plot for a while. This gives the thought that Henry had carefully been thinking of a scheme to make him not appear as a tyrant. When he accuses the traitors his language uses exaggeration. He uses rhetorical questions excessively, repeating why, so didst thou four times and compares the situation of the mens betrayal to Mans betrayal of god. This shows hes not revealing his true feelings, and trying to gain sympathy through a carefully planned act of making sure that it isnt perceived as him attaining personal revenge. Towards the end of the Act, Henry has developed into confident leader with the notion God is behind him. Through his speech he is portrayed as a manipulative leader who is sure of himself and what he is doing. This contrasts his previous speeches which portrayed him as weak and giving the appearance of being tough and eminent. It felt forced as he had been so unsure of himself and shows that such a strong, assertive stance taken in his later speech would have been genuine: we doubt not. The transformation from being unsure of what was morally acceptable as a leader to a man, who chose manipulation and execution, was incredibly sudden. It could be said however that the cause of different events led up to this new strong character or perhaps it was the fact that it became clear that his effective role as a leader was needed by more people than just himself. If Henry wouldve left the traitors to live, people would perceive him as weak and easily swayed. If he was to make the exception, his role as a weak leader could be taken advantage. This makes the suggestion that Henry sacrificed his personal interests for those of the nation as he comes to the realization that not doing so will lead his followers to becoming anarchists. However, Henry believes that to be a strong leader, there is no room for him to be humane which is conveyed through his manipulation in exposing the traitors. Henry. Being humane by showing mercy and being ruthless in regards to the role as a stronger leader, is meaningless. He makes the quick assumption that he is wrong in being moral and should be decisive and abide by the laws which isnt always the traits of a good leader. Henry uses the excuse for his previous (some may say tyrannical) actions for his success in leadership. This insinuates that he is good kind-hearted man who has had to sacrifice his own friendships for the sake of good leadership. However it could also evoke the fact that he is a tyrant using the excuses for leadership as excuses for his own revenge. Shakespeare hints at this through Henrys rhetoric and complex language contrasting with the inept and prose-written language of the common man. Regardless of this point, the audience can evidently see the commoners grief over Falstaffs death, whilst Henry sentences them, without showing his true feelings. This evokes Henrys cold character and suggests that underneath all the different surfaces of his nature, that he is ultimately a tyrant. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What attracts you to the field of social work?

What attracts you to the field of social work? 1. What attracts you to the field of social work? I have always been deeply committed to helping others, especially helping those who come from similar backgrounds such as mine. Several experiences have stimulated my attraction to the field of social work. The first step towards my passion to study social work was formed when I was about four. My parents were unfit to raise my siblings and me, which consequently led to foster care. At age four I had no idea that day would lead me on the path of becoming an effective agent for social work. While in foster care, I met some amazing social workers who went beyond the call of duty. My social workers were talented, committed, and hard working. As I became older, my interest in social work grew. I started asking my social workers how do I become a social worker. In so many words, they explained that I have to do well in school, and go to college. While in college, I can major in the field of social work or closely related field. My social workers were my first insight to what a social work er is and what a social worker does. The fact that my social workers were committed to my well-being and pushed me to my full potentials demonstrated their concern for me as well as their ethical commitment. Secondly, are the three premises on which social work is based on. Which are very straightforward. First is that the person or group is important. The person or group has a problem that may arise from many different factors, and lastly finding a solution to help solve those problems so that person or group can live a better life. Finally, is the range of opportunities for a social worker in the field of social work. Social workers can be found in hospital, schools, community health agencies, and international organizations just to name a few. I give my social workers credit for the knowledge they have shared with me as well as encouraging me to reach my personal goals to become a social worker. 2. What influences, persons, or work/life experiences guide your choice of social work as a profession? I have not always been the strong confident person I am today. My outside involvements were my social workers, and independent living coordinator. They play a huge role in my influence to study social work and to become a social worker. Sometimes I often wonder how different my life would be now without my social workers involvement. I adopted many things from my social workers, things such as how to be compassionate and caring towards others, how to set and reach my goals, as well as how to be a hard worker. Some people fail to realize the impact of encouraging words to others. I can remember when I was in the twelfth grade my social worker Tameko was picking my sister and me up from school to help us fill out some important paper work for college. On the way home, she explained to us that we are smart and beautiful girls who can be anything we put our minds to. Do not let our circumstances define who we are. That moment of encouragement has not only stuck with me but has changed the way I think about my life. I then realized that I determine my future and should not be ashamed of my parents mishaps. Studies show that the cycle of poverty repeats it self for at least three generations. I new at a young age I did not want to repeat the cycle of abuse, poverty, and addiction so I worked hard to accomplish my goals. In practice, I have had an opportunity to work with Independent Living Program. Which is a program that helps youth ages 14-21 with career training, educational opportunities, p ersonal finance, job-hunting skills, independence skills, and so much more. I also took a Counseling Practicum class, which gave me an opportunity to observe and experience working within the Augusta Pregnancy Center. Which is a non-profit agency that provides services to women who are facing challenging situations? In this course, I was able to learn the specific skills required to care for the women and their unborn child, ethical principles, and ethical standards. These experiences has only increased me love for the field of social work and given me valuable experiences working with women and children. 3. Discuss personal strengths you possess which will make you an effective helping person. I chose social work, but in retrospect, I think social work chose me too. I often wonder what kind of career I would be interested in if I was never in foster care. My own personal background would make me an effective helping person. Growing up in the foster care system I will be able to relate to the youth and families I will be serving. I know what it feels like to be sent to different foster families. I know how it feels being afraid to trust people and being afraid to talk about being in foster care. I believe that children who have been abused and neglected find it difficult to trust people. I believer children in foster care would feel a sense of understanding, being that I have came from similar backgrounds. My personal strengths that I posse are the willingness to help others unconditionally. My social workers were very committed to me, and I want to share that same commitment with others who are vulnerable. My experience has taught me how to be non-judgmental, how to demon strate empathy, and how my improbable journey can inspire others. In addition, my undergraduate study in Psychology-Counseling has provided me with a better understanding of why people think, feel, and act the way they do. I believe that understanding the behaviors of people is very important tool to posses in the fields of social work. I also understand the importance of volunteering to help improve my community and neighborhood. I am currently a foster care club member as well as an on line message board member for foster care. I also volunteer in the Jefferson County Public School system and Woodhaven Place social committee. Volunteering is one of my most rewarding experiences for me and it gives me an opportunity to help my community as well as gaining skills to better help others. With my experiences during my undergraduate studies and currently I know that social work as a profession is ideal for me. 4 Discuss your vulnerabilities as these influence your development as a professional social worker. Specifically discuss any history of substance abuse, problems in a work setting, criminal activity, and/or help-seeking for personal issues. We are all vulnerable at any given point in time because of life circumstances. For example, illness, humiliation, harassment, natural disasters, poverty and abuse; however, some of us are more vulnerable than others. In my case, I was susceptible to physical abuse and neglect which has made me a strong person. My life experiences has not crippled me, but has inspired my concentration in public welfare so I can serve others. My past vulnerabilities will help me because they provide me with a better empathy of what children and families are going through in disadvantage situations. I thank God for my fears. One of my biggest fears in life was to end up like my parents. My fear has led me to never have an interested in drinking or using drugs. I never had any problems in a work setting nor have I had any criminal activities. I never seek any professional help for any personal problems that I have had in the past, however, there was a group that I was involved in call ILP that stands fo r Independent Living Program. This organization is amazing. This is where I met my Independent Living Coordinator who has been such an influential role model. The Independent Living Program is where I got my voice. In this program, I learned how to be more confident as well as how to share my life story with other youth that were in similar situations as me. I think this program help me cope with the personal issues that I was experiencing at that time. 5. Describe your special work practice as you anticipate it five years from now. Five years from now I see myself helping abused and neglected children who are in need of a positive social worker. This is with out a doubt the right vocation for me. I am passionate about working with this selected group, because of my own personal experience as an abused and neglected child. I have a special place in my heart for children especial those who are suffering because of their parents inability to protect and provide for them. I often wished I had a magic wand to protect the kids who are being abused, but realist I do not. However, what I can do is take the necessary steps to become an accomplished social worker, which will enable me to help protect children from all forms of child abuse. In the years ahead, I also see myself volunteering to help educate foster parents on how to be equipped foster parents. To often there are foster kids placed with families who are not properly trained. In order for me to succeed in my endeavors towards protecting children, I realize th at a masters degree in the field of social work is essential. After attending your information sessions, I had the opportunity to better understand how Spalding University can help me reach my academic and personal goals. I became more aware of the importance of social work principles. I was able to learn more about your Masters in Social Work program. I was so impressed with Spaldings devotion and history to their Social Work program. I am very excited about learning the fundamentals which will help me sharpen my skills as I pursue my dream of becoming a professional social worker as well as sharing my knowledge. I look forward to using the knowledge and skills that I will develop at Spalding University to help abused and neglected children reach their greatest potentials. I promise to uphold and exceed all that is expected of a student at Spalding University, as well as a professional social worker.

Use of ICTs in Healthcare Delivery Systems

Use of ICTs in Healthcare Delivery Systems Literature identifies the growing innovation and use of ICT devices within the healthcare delivery system. However, there is a lack of exploratory qualitative research to investigate into the perspectives and experiences of patients that use ICT devices/tools for home care. Therefore, this research project suggests the qualitative method to investigate into this phenomena. Keywords: ICT, healthcare, technology, innovation NO CPT The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has benefited both developed and developing countries; especially in terms of the wide use of ICTs within the healthcare system. This is known as e-health system and with the rapid growth of e-health systems healthcare professionals (HCPs) are able to diagnose and treat patients, immediately (Qureshi, Kundi, Qureshi, Akhtar, Hussain, 2015). ICTs acts like an aid, which enables the hospitals, physicians, and nurses to work together either from home or the office visits and facilitates the transfer of patient data within the hospital (Salerno, 2015). Furthermore, the advancements in ICTs has resulted into a better and developed healthcare system, especially, in rural areas. The implementation of telemedicine has improved the health conditions of rural patients. Whereas the number of clinical services that provide awareness and help to rural poor patients is less. However, due to the presence of academic research centers, tel emedicine awareness and comprehension exists among the people of rural areas. These research centers also play an important role and provide tele-education, within the rural areas. On the other hand, the high rate of mobile phone usage, facilitates telemedicine, which eventually benefits the clinical practices (Mars, 2013). According to Qureshi et al (2015), the use of tele-health is rapidly increasing within the developing countries; such as mobile phones, computers, texting, video chat, and hotlines that provide immediate access to physicians. Thus, the use of ICTs has enabled an active and interactive role on behalf of patients and HCPs residing in different locations and working in different institutions and hospitals, respectively (Scholl Olaniran, 2015). This has resulted into the potential to save time and effort, reduce transportation costs and minimise drug stock-outs (Nilseng et al., 2014, p. 1). Moving on, the use of ICTs in healthcare delivery system requires a number of ICT skills and professional attitude because it influences the adoption and develops a positive attitude towards e-health by HCPs (Olok, Yagos, Ovuga, 2015). However, lack of ICT skills and motivation is considered as a barrier that hinder the effective use of e-health system by HCPs. Additionally, motivational barriers ex ists due to the association of high risk perceptions with social media (Dalton et al., 2014). Furthermore, the use of ICTs has resulted to increase the knowledge of HCPs and improves patient care on all the levels of healthcare system (Nilseng et al., 2014). Moreover, with the aid of ICT tools, HCPs can support patients suffering from chronic illnesses and can guide them to achieve healthcare while staying in their homes. This shows that, the roots of ICTs are strongly embedded within the healthcare system. And it benefits the patients through providence of increased accessibility to home care. Eventually, this results in gain of control over their chronic illnesses and promotes patients self-care. However, there is a need for qualitative studies to understand the use of ICTs at home from the perspectives of patients and their immediate or close relatives (Lindberg, Nilsson, Zotterman, Sà ¶derberg, Skà ¤r, 2013). Therefore, this research project proposes to investigate qualitatively upon the use of ICTs at home through the perspectives and experiences of patients. Whereas the findings of the study will be able to describe the patients accessibility to home care and promotion of self-care. Eventually, these findings will help the HCPs, businesses, ICT engineers, and patients to better understand the role of ICTs to provide support and gain control over chronic diseases, respectively. Relationship of the Topic to 699 Class Figure 1: Taken from AEHRC (2015) The above figure 1 represents the broader picture of the identified problem and the relevance of this project to the 699 class. The figure thoroughly describes the use of ICTs by the patients for home and self-care the HCPs mentor and keeps a track of the patients health. Through the use of ICTs and mobile applications. Eventually, this represents the use of ICTs in the form of an android application that enables the patients and the HCPs to keep a track of patients overall health that includes physical activities and on-time medications (Nilseng et al., 2014). Furthermore, the figure also represents patients data synchronisation, which are also one of the many benefits of ICTs (Salerno, 2015). Therefore, keeping these details in view, it can be seen that this project lies within the scope of 699 class. Definitions of Commonly Used Terms    Information and Communication Technologies- it is an umbrella term and it comprises of all means of electronic communication; such as computers, mobile phones, network, hardware and software, television, satellite systems, and long distance video chatting etc. (Rouse, 2014) Healthcare Delivery System- a system that comprises of all the medical help and support available and delivered to the patients Healthcare Professionals (HCPs)- represents as list of medical professionals; such as physicians, nurses, medical practitioners, midwives, and clinicians etc. Chronic Illnesses- diseases that last for long time or life time, for example, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type II diabetes etc. Telemedicine- patients diagnosis or treatment through ICT Tele-education- represents the use of ICT to spread education and knowledge A large variety of ICT tools are used by HCPs and patient for home care because there is an increase accessibility of the ICT tools (Lindberg et al., 2013). According to Kà ¶nig et al (2015), the designing of ICT tools in healthcare delivery system requires the input from patients, caregivers, clinicians, ICT engineers, and businessmen. Whereas all these work together in the form of a team. However, among this list, most important are the patient needs that is given a lot of attention and with the screening of patient needs the rest of the team (caregivers, clinicians, ICT engineers, and businessmen) co-design ICT tools through generation of ideas. Moreover, the process involves a prototype development it and the test of its easability and usage on the patients. Furthermore, patients suffering from life threatening diseases use ICT tools to overcome the different challenges, for example, the use of ICT tools has proven to facilitate Alzheimer patients, through early identification. Besides, ICT tools are cost-effective and save time therefore they are popularly used by clinicians (Kà ¶nig et al., 2015). Therefore, this research proposal seeks to answer; what are different perceptions and needs of patients using ICT tools at home? And in order to answer this questions, this research will adopt a qualitative explanatory research design because there is a need for qualitative studies to investigate into this phenomenon (Lindberg et al., 2013). Eventually, the findings of this study will provide better insight of the different perceptions and needs of the patients. Thus, this study comes into the domain of applied research as this information will be useful for the caregivers, clinicians, ICT engineers, and businessmen to co-deign better ICT tools for healthcare delivery system. Conceptual Framework Given below is the conceptual framework that describes the inputs and deliverables of this study: The above conceptual framework s self-explanatory and represent the research question that is to be investigated through this research project. A literature review conducted by Gurses Xiao (2006), indicates the vast advancements within healthcare delivery system. They reviewed published literature from 1990 to 2005 about ICT tools, necessary information required for the design of ICT tools, effect of ICT tools, and the different measure through, which ICT tools can be evaluated. The researchers started collection of published literature through investigation from the communication within the healthcare delivery system. And then expanded their research to the communication through ICT tools between patients and HCPs. Moving on, the researchers also defines the patient-centric information tools that are used by HCPs to keep a record of the patient history; such as medication lists, nursing flow sheets, and bedside patient monitoring devices etc. Additionally, the analysis of the review involves a successful categorization of the different use of ICT tools and the researchers analysed these tools to further assess and evaluate the effect of tools on the care and satisfaction of patients. Furthermore, the use of ICT has gone beyond just then just the treatment and diagnosis and this has been identified in another review by Blaschke, Freddolino, Mullen (2009). The researchers investigated the literature for the role of assistive technologies (AT) and ICTs to improve the physical and mental health and delay the onset of different diseases. Whereas the investigation in this review started through the evidence collection of different technological tools that are used by older adults. Moreover, the review also investigated to learn more about the effectiveness and utility of these ICT tools, within the healthcare delivery system. Additionally, the researcher extended the literature review scope and identified the importance of social work practice within the digital age and discussed the limitations and effectiveness of ICT tools. Furthermore, in another review the extended role and effectiveness of ICT was investigated within the field of nursing education. Now-a-days, m ore universities train and provide e-education to HCPs through the use of ICT tools. Eventually, this improves the overall role of ICT within the healthcare delivery system. The researchers conducted this literature review through analysis of the published articles between January 2001 and December 2012. These articles mainly focused upon the use of ICT within the healthcare education. The review was concluded with future directions that, the use of ICT tools are important for lifelong learning skills within the nursing students and other HCPs. And the healthcare delivery system should incorporate e-learning through the use of ICT tools (Button, Harrington, Belan, 2014). Moving on, in developing countries, ICT sustainability is a concern and requires a lot of attention. This has been identified in a literature review and the researchers attempted to develop a conceptual framework for a sustainable telemedicine information systems within Middle East countries. The literature review was conducted through identification of the need of telemedicine technologies within the developing countries; such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Syria. The review further identifies the different issues and barriers that does not support telemedicine information systems; such as lack of funding, IT trainings, doctors and patients resistance, less knowledge and education, and poor technological infrastructure. The reviews concluded with the importance and the need of telemedicine information systems to promote healthcare delivery systems. The review was able to identify the common barriers that hinder the growth of ICT in developing countries. Additionally, the resear chers also commented that, education and awareness are essential to promote the use of ICT in healthcare delivery systems (Jaber, Ghani, Herman, 2014). On the other hand, there a lot of risks, challenges, and potential harm associated with the use of telemedicine (telecare or telehealth) at home. This has been identified in literature review that was conducted from 6 different electronic databases. The literature review began with the initial focus on the patient safety issues that is associated with the potential risk of telemedicine home care. Moreover, the literature investigated into the different harm that telemedicine can cause to patients at home and was unable to identify any specific trainings that are provided to patient to identify patient safety issues. With the help of the systematic literature review, the researchers were able to identify the associated risk factors in the use of telemedicine at home and how these risk factors are highlighted within the patients telecare training. The paper concludes that, ICT tools should identify the different patient safety risks and reframe the different challenges that patients ca n suffer due to the implementation of ICT tools within the healthcare delivery system (Guise, Anderson, Wiig, 2014). According to Dalton et al (2014), HCPs also suffer from different challenges during the implementation of different ICT tools. For instance, in case of midwives the different barriers that exists are; material access, skills access, usage access and motivational access (p. 168). Similarly, in another systematic review, the researcher investigated the different factors that affect the adoption of e-health applications by HCPs. The review covered published articles from 4 databases published from the period of 2000 to 2014. The researchers began their investigation from the different perceptions of HCPs regarding the barriers and facilitators that occur during the use of ICT tools. The literature showed that, out of 4223 papers only 33 met identified the different barriers at individual, organizational, and contextual levels. Whereas the different factors that affect the use of ICT tools by HCPs are given as; perceived usefulness and ease of use, design and technical concerns, cost, ti me, privacy and security issues, familiarity with the technology, risk-benefit assessment, and interaction with others (colleagues, patients, and management) (Gagnon, Ngangue, Payne-Gagnon, Desmartis, 2015, p. 1). Focus of the Current Research Based on the above literature review, it can be analysed that less information and published peer-reviewed and scholarly articles available on this problem statement, due to the exploratory nature of the identified gap. Therefore, it is essential to expand the lens and focus of the search of the published articles throughout the different time periods to attain support from the literature. Moreover, it is important to search for different words that are used interchangeably for ICT tools; such as digital technologies, digital interventions, innovative technologies, and any name of device that helps patients with home care. Given below is literature review that has been attained through the increase of the scope of research to the use of ICT on different levels; such as different age groups and illnesses. A meta-analysis conducted by McLean et al (2016), on the use of digital technologies (ICT) by the asthma patients. The scope of the search was limited to patients aged 16 years or older. The use of different digital interventions and care with the use of comparator was observed. Whereas the outcomes indicated that the use of self-management digital technologies is cost-effective and improves asthma patients well-being and quality of life. Khosravi Ghapanchi (2016) also contributed and added that, the use of innovative technologies is cost-effective. However, less research is available to support the use and acceptance of innovative technologies in daily life by seniors. Therefore, in this review, the researchers collected information from different databases and investigated into the studies that looked into the assistive and innovative technologies in geriatric care (old age care). Moreover, the paper also enlists the different assistive technologies; such as general ICT, robotics, telemedicine, sensor technology, medication management applications, and video games (p. 17). Besides, the paper depicted that, a positive relationship exists between the use of assistive technologies and improved quality life in geriatric care. Moving on, ICT project not always attain success within the field of healthcare delivery systems. Therefore, it is important that businesses should implement a patient-centric modelling approach to better understand the challenges and changes within the healthcare delivery system. Keeping these issues in view, a review was conducted to check the implementation of circle of caring model (CCM) in three different case studies. And it revealed that with the help of CCM and application of patient-centric approach, ICT engineers and businesses are able to identify the gaps and improve the implementation of ICT. Furthermore, it is also suggested that, intervention of different approaches are also necessary along with the updated technology (Price, 2016). Eventually, this explains the necessity of the different components mentioned above in the conceptual framework. Furthermore, due to the increased life expectancy in western countries, there is an increased pressure on the community services, that is, caregivers. This has increased in the demand of technological advancements and innovations for home care older people in the form of personal emergency response system (PERS). The perceptions about the use of PERS was further investigated in a literature review and the review explored the different experiences of older people across different studies. The results showed that, the caring practices evolved across studies as the technology emerged and the older people played active roles. Besides, the literature also identified that telemedicine requires different abilities, resources, and attitudes for enhanced technological innovations. On the other hand, ICT also requires actors, networks, and contexts (Stokke, 2016). Regardless, of all the updated and innovative technologies, there is still a need for the society to get aware and educated about t he self-care patients can achieve from ICT devices. A review conducted upon the received e-health education indicated positive changes towards the attitudes of patients and resulted in decreased barriers, towards the use of ICT devices (Nwolise, Carey, Shawe, 2016). Another review conducted by Calvillo, Romà ¡n, Roa (2013), identified that the use of technology within healthcare delivery system has increased patient empowerment (PE). However, it is necessary that health literacy of patients, remote access to health services, and self-care mechanisms (p. 643) should be given more value because without these it is difficult to accomplish PE. Regardless of the updated technology, there is still a need to change the attitudes of patients, professionals, policy makers etc. (Calvillo, Romà ¡n, Roa, 2013). Therefore, it can be argued that the identified problem or research question is not investigated throughout the different time periods. It is depicted from the literature that, patients perceptions and experiences are assumed to be good due to the innovative technologies. However, no evidence exists in the literature. On the other hand, patient self-care management has been given a lot of importance for the effective implementation and use of ICT devices. Whereas patient self-care is also an integral part to accomplish patient empowerment. Other than this, stakeholders; such as businesses, HCPs, and ICT engineers needs to know the different perceptions and experiences of patient with the home self-care ICT devices. Thus, this need will be investigated through the future proposed exploratory research. A research paradigm or philosophy is a guideline that helps a researcher throughout the investigation because it is a framework that consists of assumptions and knowledge of nature. The two of paradigms that are mostly used by researchers are interpretivism and positivism (Collis Hussey, 2009). Therefore, in this research the primary focus is on interpretivism. Interpretivism- In the philosophy of interpretivism, a researcher plays an important role and acts like an investigator and a social actor. The researcher investigates a real situation and interprets it with the help of analysis of peoples thoughts and existing literature. Interpretivism involves investigation on behalf of researcher and is usually related to qualitative research (Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, 2009). Moreover, this philosophy utilizes small sample sizes and results in the development of theories, texts, models, and useable information (data). Whereas the research findings are used to shape theories (Collis Hussey, 2009). According to Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, Lowe (2002), reality is non-subjective, therefore, after collection of data, different meanings can be interpreted. Furthermore, data collection is easier through the help of interpretivism approach and no additional focus is on writing style. Additionally, the findings of this approach is safe from researchers a nd participants/respondents biasness (Lee Lings 2008). Therefore, keeping these facts in view, it is better to implement this paradigm to investigate fully into the research question. Research Approach Research refers to the systematic investigation and collection of information, which is further interpreted through different methods (Saunders et al., 2009). Whereas research approach explains the different means through, which information is collected and further analysed. Moreover, research approach is based on different philosophical and theoretical assumptions (Collis Hussey 2013). According to Saunders et al (2009), inductive (qualitative) and deductive (quantitative) approaches are the two broad research approaches that are adopted by a researcher. However, a researcher can either pick of these two or can implement both together in the form of mix methodology. Besides, the requirements of the research decides the kind of approach that has to be adopted. Inductive approach Inductive approach is defined as, a theory building process, starting with observations of specific instances, and seeking to establish generalisations about the phenomenon under investigation (Hyde, 2000, p. 83). Furthermore, a research can investigate an identified gap and get to a conclusion with the help of inductive approach. And this further helps the researcher to collect the responses of respondents and generate theories (Collins Hussey 2009). Besides, the sequence of investigation in inductive approach follows a pattern of information from general observation to development of information patterns and these patterns are further refined into tentative information, which are later derived into theories. Because inductive reasoning is open-ended and exploratory (Trochim 2005). Therefore, based on this information, this research project will follow an inductive approach and will be qualitative in nature. Whereas no hypothesis will be tested, instead, the resu lts and conclusion of the study will result into a new hypothesis (theory generation), which is a characteristic of qualitative study. Data Collection Method This research project will follow semi-structured interview to investigate into the research question. With the help of semi-structured interviews patients perceptions, behaviours, and understandings of the ICT tools can be easily investigated. According to Matthews Ross (2010) the qualities of semi-structured interview will allow the researcher to follow a set of common questions and ask new questions during the interview. Moreover, the quality of semi-structured interview will also enable the patients to answer the questions upon their individual comprehension. Additionally, with semi-structured interviews the researcher can also observe and investigate into the attitudes, expressions, and body language of the patients. Furthermore, this study will conduct one-to-one interviews because Zikmund (2013) stated that, it will make the interviewee (patients) feel comfortable and they will be able to answer questions with honesty. Additionally, under the interpretive paradigm, interviews are concerned with exploring data on understandings, opinions, what people remember doing, attitudes, feelings and the like, that people have in common and will be unstructured (Collins Hussey 2009, p. 144). Therefore, this research study lies under the umbrella of descriptive exploratory research and it will follow an interpretivist approach to analyse the semi-structured interviews. Target Population This research study will select patients of any age group that use ICT tools provided by HCPs at the hospitals for home care and this will be done with the help of non-probability purposive technique because this sampling technique is suggested with the conduction of semi-structured interviews by Matthews Ross (2010). Furthermore, based upon the convenience of the researcher, the research will also follow non-probability convenience sampling and data will be collected from patients of Bryn Mawr Hospital and Chester County Hospital, Pennsylvania. Additionally, the patients using the ICT tools at home will be selected purposively either at the hospitals or at their home. According to Matthews Ross, the number of interview participants is dependent upon the saturation of data, that is, a researcher needs to conduct interviews until the data repeats. Therefore, the sample size of this research project will follow the rule of data saturation. Designing of Interview Questions- In this study, the interview questions were designed with the help of identified gaps from the literature review and from the developed conceptual framework. The procedure involved, identification of themes from literature review, which were further divided into dimensions and then into sub-dimensions (Collins Hussey 2009). Lastly, from these sub-dimensions, interview questions are developed. Whereas the researcher also developed new questions during interview process because of the quality of semi-structure interviews (Collins Hussey 2009). Data Analysis Method In qualitative research, the research plays an important role and acts like a primary tool for data analysis of raw social data. Moreover, the researcher stays involved in the whole process of data interpretation. Whereas with the help of memos and personal comprehension the researcher interprets the data and develop new themes. This process is known as Thematic Analysis (Matthews Ross, 2010). Thematic Analysis- It is defined as, a process of working with raw data to identify and interpret key ideas or themes, as a process of segmentation, categorization, and relinking of aspects of data prior to final interpretation (Matthews Ross 2010, p. 373). In this process, the researcher plays the primary role and looks for repetitive information, words, or meanings across different interviews. Eventually, this results in the interpretation and identification of social data and themes, which is further used to develop a thematic analysis map. Moreover, the identified themes are either represented in the tabular or in the graphical form (Matthews and Ross 2010). Therefore, this study will use the process of thematic analysis to interpret the social data. Validity According to Creswell (2013), there are two different method to increase the validity; such as the use of rich data and interviewee validation. With the use of these methods, researchers biasness and reactivity can be reduced. Moreover, systematic literature review investigation will increase the validity of the raw social data. And with the use of respondent validation, researchers biasness can be reduced. Eventually, with the implementation of these two will increase the validity and quality of this research paper. Given below is the propose work plan to implement the research project Chapter 1- Introduction 10 days Chapter 2- Literature Review 20 days Chapter 3- Methodology 20-25 days Chapter 4- Analysis and Evaluation 15-20 days Chapter 5- Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations 10-15 days References and Bibliography 5 days Revision, Correction, and Submission Depends upon the time available. However, should not take more than 7 days This research proposal identifies the need for exploratory qualitative study to investigate into the perspective and experiences of patients upon the use of ICT devices for home care. Whereas this objective will be achieved through semi-structured interviews with the patients selected through researchers non-probability purposive sampling and convenience sampling methods. Moreover, the findings of this study will provide support to HCPs, businesses, ICT engineers, and patients. References AEHRC. (2015). Smarter safer homes platform. Retrieved January 14, 2017, from The Australian E-Health Research Center, Blaschke, C. M., Freddolino, P. P., Mullen, E. E. (2009). Ageing and technology: A review of the research literature. The British Journal of Social Work, 39(4), 641-656. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp025 Button, D., Harrington, A., Belan, I. (2014). E-learning information communication technology (ICT) in nursing education: A review of the literature. Nurse Education Today, 34(10), 1311-1323. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2013.05.002 Calvillo, J., Romà ¡n, I., Roa, L. M. (2013). How technology is empowering patients? A literature review. Health Expectations, 18(5), 643-652. doi:10.1111/hex.12089 Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2013). Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Dalton, J. A., Rodger, D. L., Wilmore, M., Skuse, A. J., Humphreys, S., Flabouris, M., Clifton, V. L. (2014). Whos a

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The School of Athens Essay -- essays research papers fc

Biography of Raphael â€Å"While we may term other works paintings, those of Raphael are living things; the flesh palpitates, the breath comes and goes, every organ lives, life pulsates everywhere.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -- Vasari Raphael was born Raffaello Santi or Raffaello Sanzio in Urbino on April 6, 1483, and received his early training in art from his father, the painter Giovanni Santi. In 1499 he went to Perugia, in Umbria, and became a student and assistant of the painter Perugino. Raphael imitated his master closely; their paintings of this period are executed in styles so similar that art historians have found it difficult to determine which were painted by Raphael. In 1504 Raphael moved to Florence, where he studied the work of such established painters of the time as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, learning their methods of representing the play of light and shade, anatomy, and dramatic action. In 1508 Raphael was called to Rome by Pope Julius II and commissioned to execute frescoes in four small stanze, or rooms, of the Vatican Palace. The second Vatican chamber, the Stanza d'Eliodoro, painted with the aid of Raphael's assistants, contains scenes representing the triumph of the Roman Catholic church over its enemies. After the death of Pope Julius II in 1513, and the accession of Leo X, Raphael's influence and responsibilities increased. He was made chief architect of Saint Peter's Basilica in 1514, and a year later was appointed director of all the excavations of antiquities in and near Rome. Raphael died in Rome on his 37th birthday, April 6, 1520. School of Athens Brief History: Raphael painted the School of Athens from-1510 – 1512. He was commissioned by pope Julius II, with the recommendation of Donato Bramante, the pope’s architect, to work in the Vatican. His first work the School of Athens was loved so much by the pope that he commissioned Raphael to paint the entire papal suite. In the School of Athens, philosophers and intellects from different time periods are arranged as students in a school or academy where everyone is learning off each other. The Stanza della Segnatura was to be Julius’ library which would house a small collection of books intended for his personal use. The walls of the first ... ...Inc., Publishers  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yale University Press New York, 1967  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New Haven & London, 1983 â€Å"The Vatican†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Art in Renaissance Italy† Daley, John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paoletti, John T. and Radke, Gary M. The Metropolitan Museum of Art  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers New York, 1975  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, 1997